Personal On-Site Mac, iPhone and iPad Support & Tutoring.

Call or text: 732.581.0197


On-Site and Pickup Services Include

  • Optimize, Security, Speedup & Maintain
  • Repair (non-warranty) Can bring Warranty repairs to Apple
  • New Installs
  • Networks: New, upgrades & troubleshooting
  • Tutoring
  • iPhone & iPad support
  • Backup & Recovery
  • Windows on a Mac
  • Advice
  • Upgrades
  • Basic web site support, creation and tutoring

Pricing & Policies

  • $125 first hour or minimum charge
  • $75 per hour after first hour (commercial)
  • $65 per hour after first hour (residential)
  • Ask about setting up a fixed price, or a full day rate
  • Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover welcome

Phone calls and texting: I will do my best to return calls & texts same-day but cannot guarantee. I do try to read and respond to texts, but if I am driving, with a client, family there will be a delay. Please do not be shy about retexting or leaving an additional voice message if need be. Remember; with Ben Forest Consulting, its just me, no administrative staff, for better and for worse 😀. Also, if you are not in my iPhone address book; I never pick-up the phone.

Low income options: I am willing to do some work below rate for individuals or charitable groups but I will not wave the $125 first hour charge. Terms must be agreed upon in advance

Over-The-Phone Help: In general this is not something I do. I make exceptions for clients – questions and/or advice – but my business model is personal onsite support. I can log-in remotely but I prefer doing it only with clients I have a relationship with. But most of all; I have found Apple’s own phone support to be very good most of the time. The number is 1-800-SOS-APPLE. If you needed immediate help Apple may be your best bet.

Number-One piece of advice: Please back-up your computer. Data-Recovery is something I do; but I would rather not make the money. The newer Solid State Drives do fail, back up even your new computer. Unless you keep everyone on the web (I guess you trust somebody); I recommend your data being in at least three locations. Easiest method is use the “Time Machine” application included on your Mac. You will need to get a backup drive too. Staples, Apple Store, internet. Best to use a pre-mac formatted drive but even using a windows formatted drive will works and is much better than nothing.